Currently, I’m a PhD student in Human Robot Interaction (HRI) at the Human Interface Technology Laboratory
New Zealand (HITLabNZ), which is part of the university of Canterbury. I’m also a full stack developer,
android developer, prototyping enthusiast, User Experience Designer, entrepreneur and design thinking tutor.
In short, I’m involved in anything that is in hardware or software.
In other words, I do what I love :D
Univeristy of Oxford & Templeton Foundation
I’m part of a research project called “Wordovator”. The research is funded by the John Templeton Foundation and is led by the Univeristy of Oxford. The previour head location was the Northwestern University Press release for the Wordovator project
HITLabNZ & University of Canterbury
I am a PhD student at the HITLab NZ which is part of the University of Canterbury.
University of Canterbury
New Zealand (Now)
Academic Studies in Human Robot Interaction
Degree: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Human Interactive Technology
- Tutor in Design Thinking and UX Design
- PhD Thesis: Understanding Group Behaviour In The Interaction Between
- Users and Robots with a Focus on Persuasion and Linguistic Cues
Vienna University of Technology
Austria (2011/09 – 2013/02)
Academic Studies in Media Informatics
Degree: Master of Science in Engineering
- Human Computer Interaction
- Software Architecture
- Master Thesis: Positive Impact Games as a Contribution to Movement Rehabilitation
Copenhagen University
Denmark (2011/01 – 2011/07)
Academic Studies in Computer Science
Degree: Master of Science in Engineering
- Cluster Algorithms
Vienna University of Technology
Austria (2007 – 2011)
Academic Studies in Media Informatics
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Engineering
- Software Architecture
- Bachelor Thesis: Applications for GPS on a Smartphone (BSc)
Secondary College HTBLA of Steyr
Austria (2001 – 2006)
Engineering for Electronic and Computer Science
Degree: University-Entrance Diploma
- Hardware Design
- Electronics
- Computer Science
Work experience
HRI/HCI Research
USA (2014/06 – 2014/10)
Fuse Labs – Microsoft Research
During my time at the FUSE Labs (Microsoft Research) I developed with Kati London and Noah Liebman a two tier tool to persuade co-workers to do more (mico)exercises during work hours. The reason for that was that most societies move to a more and more rigid office type workplace which creates many long term health issues. The two tier were divided into a screen based notification system and a social robot (NAO) based notification system. My main part of the project was to develop the robot side and implement it’s navigation and persuasion algorithms.
Project link(s): Figebot – Workout while working
Technologies Used
Android and Web-App Developer
Austria (2012/07 – 2013/02)
During this time at OpenResearch I worked on a HTML5 e-reader implementation and Android application for Austria’s biggest new paper (HEUTE).
Project link(s): HEUTE Android, HEUTE e-reader
Technologies Used
- Android
- Java
- Ember.js
- Javascript
Project Manager, Chief Software Developer
Austria (2010/07 – 2011/10)
TagAPrice is a consumer-created location-aware price comparison platform. It stated as a bachelor project but formed into a bigger project over time. It was planed to run as a social enterprise. The goal was to make the comsumer-food market more transparent and at the same time help small businesses to survive. My jobs went from analyzing the idea and market. Prototyping and designing the user interface. Developing the front end. Managing the team. Practically product development with a big focus on software development and design.
Project link(s): Tag A Price
Technologies Used
- GWT (Google Web Toolkit)
- MongoDB
- Elastic Search
- Open Street Map Api
Android Developer
Austria (2010/09 – 2011/02)
During my time at OpenResearch I was part of the development team creating the Android Application for OEAMTC. Austria’s biggest Automobile club. Parts of that work was to develop cluster algorithms to visualize vast amount of geo-locations in a fast and visually appealing way.
Project link(s): Oeamtc for Android
Technologies Used
- Android
- Java
Co-Founder, Project Manager, Chief Developer
Austria (2004/01 – 2010/12)
WERistIN was the name of my company as well as the main product. The goal of WERistIN was to create a localized company and club register. The business module was build on a simple subscription module. We were also cooperating with tourist-terminal makers and city councils(this was before smartphones). After internet technologies started the get mature, we changed from a list base approach (Version 1) to a map based approach (Verstin 2).
My job was to evaluate the market. Work with customers. Work with city councils. Find sponsors and do sponsoring. And create and lead the application development.
Project link(s): WERistin(V1), WERistiN(V2)
Technologies Used
- GWT (Google Web Toolkit)
- Javascript
Project Manager, Chief Developer
Austria (2007/04 – 2007/09)
A-K-D Wohnservice GmbH
A-K-D as a furniture company was changing from a paper based project management solution to a web based solution. My working was to develop an ERP solution in collaboration with all employees. That meant prototyping, interviewing and analyzing the company and it’s information management.
Project link(s): A-K-D ERP
Technologies Used
- Javascript
- ISBN: 978-1-4673-8370-7
- Link:
- Year: 2016
- Conference: HRI 2016
- DOI: 10.1007/s12369-015-0323-x
- Link:
- Year: 2015
- Journal: International Journal of Social Robotics
Fidgebot: Working Out while Working
- DOI: 10.1145/2701973.2701979
- Link:
- Year: 2015
- Conference: HRI 2015
- Year: 2015
- Conference: HRI 2015
Participants Conform to Humans but Not to Humanoid Robots in an English Past Tense Formation Task
- DOI: 10.1177/0261927X15584682
- Link:
- Year: 2015
- Journal: Journal of Language & Social Psychology
Participants converge to humans but not to humanoid robots in an English past tense formation task
- Year: 2014
- Conference: Language and Society 2014
A peer pressure experiment: Recreation of the Asch conformity experiment with robots
- DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2014.6942730
- Link:
- Year: 2014
- Conference: IROS 2014
- 2014/03/25
- 2014/03/25—study/tabid/423/articleID/337201/Default.aspx
- 2014/03/24
- 2014/03/24–spt.html
- 2014/03/24
Conferences and Barcamps
Since I lived and studied in two of the coolest European cities Vienna and Copenhagen I had the chance to attend many conferences and barcamp. The following is a list of nice events I could attend.
- 2015/03/2 HRI 2016, Christchurch
- Part of the organisational team
- Paper presentation Can a Robot Bribe a Human? The Measurement of the Negative Side of Reciprocity in Human Robot Interaction.
- 2015/03/2 HRI 2016, Seattle
- Part of student volunteering team
- 2014/10/27 ICSR 2014, Sydney
- Part of the International Program Committee
- 2014/09/14 IROS 2014, Chichago
- I presented by paper A peer pressure experiment: Recreation of the Asch conformity experiment with robots
- 2013/11/15 CHI New Zealand, Christchurch
- Helped as organizer and student volunteer
- 2012/11/09 User Experience Camp 2012, Vienna
- I presented the “Sharing fetal movements” Project
- 2012/10/12 FROG – Future of Reality and Gaming Conference, Vienna
- 2012/06/01 WIN² Future Conference, Eisenstadt
- 2011/05/11 Click-and-Knowledge Conference 2011, Copenhagen
- 2011/04/02 Matchmingler, Entrepreneur Event at Copenhagen Business School
- 2011/12/03 OpenData Hackathon, Vienna
- 2011/11/12 User Experience Camp, Vienna
- 2012/10/29 Science BarCamp 2011, Vienna
- 2010/10/20 BarCamp and MobileCamp, Vienna